Can you get a Visa on arrival at any time of the day?

by Lorena

Since I'm travelling with an organisation I'm not sure at what time we're crossing the border.

Can you get the Visa on arrival throughout the entire day?
As it's important that I can join the rest of the group at the same time ;)

I'm crossing the border from Chiang Rai, Thailand to Laos at the friendship bridge.

Thank you in advance!

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Aug 21, 2017
Visa on arrival closing time
by: Duangpy

Hi Lorena,
The visa on arrival window opens when the bridge opens, but closes earlier. Usually the visa window closes at 6:00pm at the bridges except for the Bridge #1 (Nongkhai-Vientian) that it stays open till 8:00pm.

FYI: opening hours for the Bridges are from 6:00am to 10:00pm.

Visa windows: Open 6:00am, close 8:00pm - bridges #1(Nongkhai-Vientian).

The other bridges including Chiang Khong-Bokeo one
Open 6:00am, close 8:00pm

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