Myanmar and Laos border

by julie


I looked every where online and i can't find fresh update about border open to foreigner between Myanmar and Laos. Do you have any info that you can share?
Thanks for all you good info's on your blog anyway.
Hope to hear about you
Best regard

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Feb 12, 2018
Myanmar - Laos border not open to foreigners
by: Duangpy

Hi Julie,

So far Myanmar - Laos border is only open for locals, no foreigners are allowed to cross the border. That is the only Laos border not open to foreigners.

Yes, you're right, there is not much information out there about Myanmar and Laos border. The one that is existing there is out-dated. There has not been much change anyway in recent years regarding Laos - Myanmar border. can safely believe that you are not allow to cross the border between Laos and Myanmar.

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