by LKS
I was born in Laos but came to America when I was 3. My dad past away in 2002 and we had a ceremony for him in America. However, my mother does not feel complete without doing something for him in Laos. Unfortunately it has taken us almost 14 years to do this. My kids are old enough and my husband agreed to watch them this summer when I will be able to take my mom. My concern is cost. I totally understand the cost of flying there which I am prepared to cover for my mom and I but I am hearing it will cost at least $10,000 if not more to do a decent respectful ceremony. Why so much and what is involved? Additionally I am hearing that when visiting relatives it's typical to be paying for them regarding food etc. during your stay. Would it almost be better to stay at a hotel? I wish we had more money but the more I look into doing this trip the more I think we need to take out a loan. I want this to be a good trip but I don't want to come back broke. ☹
Comments for Returning to Laos to visit and to have a ceremony for my late father. How much should we expect to spend?