Taxi price in Laos?

by Franco
(Munich, Germany)

We will be in Laos next January.

We would like to compare price between car-rent and taxi.
Car rent (self drive) at Vientiane airport cost around 40€/day
Any cheaper way to rent a car? Local rent a car?

How much cost for example to drive from Vientiane to Tha Ngon, around 21 km ?

Thanks in advance

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Oct 12, 2019
Mobile app to book taxis!
by: Anonymous

Try to use driveup ( in Vientiane, it's like Uber, and you can order taxis anytime, anywhere. Transparent pricing, you can pay by cash or credit card, really convenient! Give it a try.

Aug 17, 2017
Local car rent vs taxi
by: Duangpy

Hi Franco,

As far as I know most car rentals in Vientiane, either by big companies or small local ones, don't have that big different in price.

However, with those small local companies you can bargain a bit, and if you rent for a longer period the price is lower.

Your question: How much cost for example to drive from Vientiane to Tha Ngon, around 21 km?

To rent a car with driver, the trip from Vientiane to Tha Ngon and back will cost you around 40€/day.

Taxi will not be that big different either, and it is not as widely available as it is Thailand.

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