VIP-Bustravel around Laos

by Moni


I will travel around Laos with a friend for three or four weeks this year and wanted to know if the VIP buses along the Luang Prabang - Vientaine - Pakse Route run daily in August?
Is there a homepage to check routes/timetables etc?

Thank you very much for your help and thank you for this site. It is amazing.

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May 06, 2015
VIP buses run all year round
by: Duangpy

Hi Moni,

Great the you have a bit of time to travel around Laos.

The VIP buses run everyday all year round, no problems.

As for the website of VIP bus, emmm....I don't think there is one (not that I know off).

However, here is website of state bus you might want to check out as alternative option

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