Hi mate, how and what do I need to get a family from Afghanistan to come to Lao for a holiday with my family, we live in Vientiane. I noticed they are on the no visa on arrival.
Yes, that's right Afghanistan passport holders are not entitle to getting Lao visa on arrival.
So the only way to get your family the visa is to get some one to sponsor them. That means a Lao person or company (can be your employer, or your Lao friend).
You said you live in Vientiane, Laos, right? Do you work for someone (company, NGO or international organisation)? or do you have your own business?
If you work in a company or an organisation, you can ask your employer for help to apply for a letter of guarantee on your behalf. This letter is issued by Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
If you do business here, you can apply in the name of your business by submitting a request to the ministry using your business license. I don't remember exactly what is required, but you need to provide quite a number of documents.
If you need more info, call the consulate in Vientiane (near Patuxay), tel: 021 254 176 or go there.
Once it's approved, they will issue a letter of guarantee that you need to send to your family to carry to the place they'll get visa.
Oh, when you submit the request form at the ministry, you're asked for the place your family intend to pick up their visa (a consulate in some countries or on arrival). This exact place will be specified in the letter, so they (your family) need to get the visa at the specified place only because if they go some where else they'll be refused as the official won't know anything about them.
Here is how it works: When the ministry issues the letter to you (applicant), they also issue one to the official at the consulate or port of entry that you indicated in the request form to inform them of your request and authorize them to issue the visa to persons in the letter or something along that line.
The process of getting the letter can be lengthy, so I would recommend you (or whoever doing this for you) go to the consulate (near Patuxay) to find out what exactly is required to save time going back and forth to provide more documents when submitting the request.
Hope this at least gives you a starting point. Good luck.
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